Choose from a range of conveniently-sized lots at Orilla,
to find the perfect fit for your family’s vacation requisites.

HLURB LTS NO. 10173, 24915 and 27511
Filinvest Land Inc. pours meticulous attention to details in creating residential spaces with sound engineering and design. The developer reserves the right to alter specifications whenever necessary to best serve our clients’ interest.
Thrilling Adventures at The Lake Club
Get your fill of fun and adventure at The Lake Club, the central amenity area of Laeuna de Taal. With its wide range of facilities, it is a restorative sanctuary of sports, entertainment and relaxation.
Designed for all ages, The Lake Club has activities for every member of the family to enjoy. It has a waterfront activity
center where you can go kayaking, fishing, or arrange boat rides to Taal Volcano.